I was re-introduced to Network Marketing by my Chiropractor. It's a long story so, "Readers Digest Version" - Dr Grant helped me regain a life with out pain in 3 months after suffering for almost 20 years. This started in 2007. I suffered every day with different degrees of pain since the age of 24. Pain Killers, Ibuprofen and more pain killers were used daily. I learned to live with it. When I met Dr Grant, he told me he could help me but, only if I did everything he asked. After 3 months of his treatments ..........I had my first pain free day!
Dr Grant had an all natural product that was an incredible anti inflammatory. He gave me enough for 2 months and by the 2nd week, I was reducing my ibuprofen because this product worked!! The product was called "ZRII" (pronounced like the word "free" but with a Z - "Zree") and it was a MLM company product.
The company went through some turmoil and I decided I wanted nothing to do with this drama so I decided to get involved with a New Company. Unfortunately, a few short months after I got involved....my upline bailed. I was left out in the cold and this is how I met Bryan. I reached out to him and he helped me knowingly I would not benefit him at all.
Bryan and I became immediate friends. Within the first few months, I felt like I had known him for years. Well, that company fell apart due to the greed of the owners and Bryan and I moved to the next company.
Fast forward to December 2010 - We found Xooma WorldWide!

I joined on December 15th which was about a week after Bryan did. Bryan had a following of people (so did I but, not as extensive as he did) and as he introduced them to Xooma he soon did something unheard of in this industry - he placed them ALL on the power leg so each one of them could have the same advantage as he did joining the company!
By the end of January, after I dragged my friend Matt to a meeting in Salt Lake, we all began to realize the potential of this company. Great products, great people and an incredible comp plan. Bryan asked me to be his Business Partner and Share 50/50 a spot in the company.